TSA Regulations: Can I Keep my JUUL Separate from Other Devices?

Traveling can be stressful, especially when you’re trying to navigate the rules and regulations of airport security. One question that often arises for those who use electronic nicotine delivery systems, such as JUUL, is how to handle these devices when going through security. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has specific guidelines for these items, and understanding them can help make your travel experience smoother.

TSA Regulations for Electronic Devices

The TSA requires that all electronic devices larger than a cell phone be removed from carry-on bags and placed in a bin for X-ray screening. This includes laptops, tablets, e-readers, and handheld game consoles. However, smaller electronics, such as smartphones, can remain in your carry-on bag.

Where Does JUUL Fit In?

According to the TSA, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), which include e-cigarettes, vape pens, and JUUL devices, are considered personal items. This means they can be kept in your carry-on bag during the security screening process. They do not need to be removed and placed in a bin like larger electronic devices. However, it’s important to note that these items are not allowed in checked luggage due to safety concerns.

Keeping Your JUUL Separate

If you’re concerned about your JUUL device being seen by others, such as parents or guardians, you may be wondering how to keep it separate from your other belongings. Since the TSA allows these devices to remain in your carry-on bag, you can choose to place it in a smaller bag or pouch within your carry-on. This can help keep it out of sight while still adhering to TSA regulations.

Additional Considerations

While the TSA does not require you to remove your JUUL device from your carry-on bag, it’s important to remember that other countries may have different regulations. If you’re traveling internationally, be sure to check the rules for your destination country. Additionally, while the TSA allows these devices in carry-on luggage, they must be completely turned off and protected from accidental activation.


Understanding TSA regulations can help make your travel experience less stressful. While JUUL and other ENDS devices can remain in your carry-on bag during security screening, they must be completely turned off and cannot be included in checked luggage. If you’re concerned about privacy, consider placing your device in a smaller bag or pouch within your carry-on. And remember, when in doubt, always check the TSA’s official guidelines or contact them directly with any questions.